This is The Place to find fresh ass links! Anything we find thats worthy will be on here!!!
Fellow Musicians
Above This Fire
Thanks Dave for the support and we'll be seein ya round
Circle Of Fate
What up ya'll, hit this shit up cuz they're gonna be at the top in no time. PURE TALENT
Lil Jimmy
Check out the official Lil Jimmy website, Hes a One Armed Midget who just don't give a fuck!!!!
One of the illest ma fuckers in the game. Good luck tryin to compete wit that<\P>
Favorite Sites
A site on manson with fresh links
A Place with alot of Kung Fu movies
Troma, the freshest B-Level horror movies out there here's their website, you can order all the movies here
Church of Satan
This is the site to the infamous Church of Satan, enter at your own risk! and Tell Anton I Said Hi.....
See Me Rot
Watch this lady rot via coffin cam