This is Jim Bob and I like to fish, ain't nothin better then drinkin budweiser by a fishin hole. I see these people fishin on ice, i think there fuckin crazy! Maby if it was 90 degrees out and i had my hipwaiters on id think about walkin on top of ice, i just don't get it, when i was a youngen my pa took me out to the fishin hole for a day of budweiser drinkin, fishin' and bigfoot huntin'. If the pond was froze we stayed in the house and watched wrasslin! But that was the days before the rattlesnake.......You know Stone Cold Steve Austin! Now that man knows something bout fishin....and huntin! God bless stone cold!! Now for tackel i use good ol fashion dirt worms, i see these city folks usin fake rubber fuckin worms, what the fuck, no fish is gonna hit on rubber! I don't give a fuck if its scented like Mississippi seafood gumbo, i aint usin it and i dont understand it!!!!!!!!! So when your suitin up for a fishin trip this month remember what good ol billy bob told you: Dont fish on ice, respect Stone Cold, Drink Budweiser, and dont use rubber worms that smell like rotton poon you son of a bitch!!!!!!!!!(Jim Bob)
This is a picture below of My Pa helpin me pull this Big SOB on to shore! I caught it with a cigarette butt, while drunk on Keystone lite. My brother Dewayne cut my face out of the picture (I beat his ass for it) But my pops is on the left. I ended up finding a stone cold shirt in its belly, that i wear to this day...Can I Get A Hell Yea!!